At the end of last year LABOX opened an office in the United Kingdom with a view to offering our comprehensive competitive services to clients considering projects in the UK and to UK businesses and individuals looking to buy, build or refurbish in Spanish speaking countries.
LABOX is already working in Spain, Venezuela, Pakistan and Iraq from the Spanish office and from the UK office we can offer:
Design led Subcontracted partner for your technical office. Offering collaboration to other technical offices in the UK submitting for local authority tenders where our design input and experience would add value to a proposal either as sub contractor or lead consultant . Our ample portfolio of work in the fields of new build, refurbishments and urban design will compliment project management, surveying office or Architectural office with a more traditional body of experience. Labox offers a consultancy service from initial concept through to innovative and individual design including M&E, structural engineering and landscaping to on site supervision and cost control.
Complete Design led consultancy for your dreams. A comprehensive client specific service to small businesses and individuals in the UK taking them through the whole process of modifying their environment. From Buying a plot, building or office space, project design through planning and building regulations approval, site supervision to completion. Making the process the most enjoyable, cost effective and creative possible.
Moving your home or business to Spain. Planning and architectural advice and services to British businesses and families wanting to move into Spain drawing on 18 years of experience dealing with the Spanish planning laws, local authorities and the building industry in general but from a British perspective.
Since opening the UK office has been working on two main fronts:
1.) Competition with other professionals.
We have submitted tenders to Portsmouth, Slough, Sussex and Berkshire authorities with EASTON BEVINS (chartered building Surveyors) and NICHOLAS PEARSON ASSOCIATES (environmental engineers) for tenders varying from Schools to visitors centres and most recently we have submitted a proposal with Buro Happold, Engineers and NICHOLAS PEARSON ASSOCIATES for the Brooklands Race track Revival Project where all the consultants have vintage cars that are eligible to race on that track!
2.) Privet clients.
For private clients we have been able to show our competitive and comprehensive service. We have successfully submitted a scheme for 3 new dwellings with the refurbishment of existing workshops on a complicated site that had previously had a very negative response from the local authority at the planning stage. The addition a modern glass extension to a 16C house with a complete passive energy saving system has been well received by the Listed buildings Officer. Various other schemes are in the process of inital design and consultation.
Following this progress over the last 9 months the UK office will continue to work towards expanding its private client base and providing a design partner for technical offices on tenders for public works.